Today, we will continue discussing the other tasks of the messengers so that we will know our role and tasks.
Fourth: Reforming and purifying the People's Souls
When people live in ignorant societies, that are not ruled by the Deen of Allaah and are not guided by Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala's legislation, they get corrupted, and corruption reaches the depth of their thoughts, their visions, their manners, and morals. So, it is a must that someone reform and purify these souls, and bring them back to their pure natural state that Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala created them with.
Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala made this difficult task from the tasks of the great messengers; that is reforming and purifying the souls of those people who accepted and embraced Islam as a way of life.
We see the Prophet Moosa (Moses)`alayhissala am when Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala sent him to the Pharaoh with a clear task. So, Allaah said in Soorat An-Nazi’aat, (Verses 17-19), what can be translated as, "Go to Pharaoh, verily, he has transgressed all bounds. And say to him: "Would you purify yourself (from the sin of disbelief). And that I guide you to your Lord, so you should fear Him."
We also see the Prophet Ibraheem (Abraham)`alayhissa laam, after he finished building Allaah's House, supplicating to Allaah to send in his progeny after him someone who will purify them. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala said in Soorat Al-Baqarah, (Verse 129), what can be translated as, "Our Lord! Send amongst them a Messenger of their own, who shall recite unto them Your Verses and teach them the Book (this Qur`aan) and Al-Hikmah (Wisdom), and sanctify them. Verily! You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala responded to his supplication by sending the Prophet Muhammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala also said in Soorat Al-Jumu’ah, (Verse 2), what can be translated as, "He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger (Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam) from among themselves, reciting to them His Verses, purifying them, and teaching them the Book (this Qur`aan) and Al-Hikmah (Wisdom). And verily, they had been before in manifest error."
Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala made success or failure a result of purified souls or unpurified ones. So, he said in Soorat Ash-Shams, (Verses 9-10), what can be translated as, "Indeed he succeeds who purifies his ownself. And indeed he fails who corrupts his ownself. He also said in Soorat Al-A`la, (Verse 14), what can be translated as, "Indeed whosoever purifies himself shall achieve success." Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala also made entering Paradise and living in it forever a reward for the one who purified himself/herself. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala says in Soorat Ta-Ha (Verse 76), what can be translated as, " Everlasting Gardens under which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever: such is the reward of those who purify themselves."
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Our role today is same as messangers of 4
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