We addressed the question in Part 1: What is our role today in this society? We concluded that our role is the same as the role of the great past messengers whom Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala sent to humanity. This is because we are the messengers’ heirs till the Day of Judgment, and we know that their first task was conveying the message in the clearest way. We know that conveying the message requires courage and not fearing the people. We also learned that conveying the message can be done by reciting the Holy Qur`aan that Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala revealed and by clarifying the divine revelations to the people.
Today, we will continue with the other tasks of the blessed messengers so that we can know our role and tasks today
The second task is giving Da’wah (calling) the people to Allaah
The messengers’ task does not end with clarifying the truth to the people and conveying it to them. They also have to call the people to adopt what they are calling them for and submit to it, and apply it in their lives with conviction, both verbally and with action.
All the messengers`alayhimu ssalaam had the same perspective when calling the people to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala; They said to the people: You are the creation of Allaah and are his servants, and Allaah alone is your creator, your Lord and your God, and Allaah has sent us to you to show you how you should submit your life to him alone, so you should obey us in this matter... and the verses are abundant in this context, for example, in Soorat An-Nahl, (Verse 36), what can be translated as, "And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming) : "Submit to Allaah (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) taghoot (all false deities etc…)…"" And Allaah speaks to his Prophet Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam in Soorat Al-Anbiyaa, (Verse 25), what can be translated as, "And We did not send any Messenger before you (O Mohammad) but We inspired him (saying): Laa ilaaha illaa Ana (none has the right to be submitted to but I Allaah), so submit to Me (Alone and none else)" Every messenger that Allaah sent to the people, said to them, "Fear Allaah and Obey Me" This appears in the Qur`aan in more than ten different places.
The blessed messengers made so much effort for the sake of calling the people to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala that it took them their whole life. We find many details about that in the Holy Qur`aan. For example, the first messenger, Nooh, `alayhissalaam who spent with his people 950 years calling them to the way of Allaah. He spent all of his life, day and night, in different ways of approaching the people, secretly and openly, by alluring them, and making them fear Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala, by encouraging and warning them. The prophet Nooh`alayhissalaam had tried his best to open their minds and their hearts and direct them to the great signs in the universe that indicate the greatness of the Creator Allaah, the Exatled but they turned away from h is call, and no one believed in him except very few people. Read his story in the Holy Qur`aan in Soorat Nooh and in other places to know the greatness of the Da’wah to the people for Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala.
Also, the life of the Prophet Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam was all Da’wah for Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala and he used through it all means available to him and at all levels, inside Makkah and outside. The books of the Seerah are the best source for details about this.
The angels Jibreel (Gabriel) and Mike’eel (Michael) showed the Prophet sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam an example that clarified to him and us his role and his task. In the Hadeeth reported by Imaam Al-Bukhaari and At-Tirmithi, that the Prophet sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam said, "I saw in my dream that Jibreel was at my head, and Mike’eel was at my feet; one of them saying to the other: give him an example of himself, so he said: ‘listen, may Allaah help you hear, and may Allaah make your heart to understand, Your example and the example of your Ummah is as the king who got some land, and built on it a house, then brought in it a table with food on it, then he sent a messenger to invite the people to his food, some of them accepted the invitation and came, and others rejected the invitation and turned away.’ ‘Allaah is the King, the land is Islam, the house is the Paradise, and you O`Mohammad are the messenger, and the one who accepted the invitation and came, they entered Islam, and whoever enters Islam, they enter Paradise, and whoever enters Paradise, they will eat what is in it."
So, we should invite people to Islam, the Deen of Allaah that He sent down to the Prophet Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam, and whoever accepts our invitation will enter Paradise, and whoever enters Paradise, they will eat what is in it. This is our second task.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Our Role Today is the Same as Messangers of 2
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