Keeping It Halaal
Every summer young Muslim students go through stressful times trying to find a means of earning that is decent, professional, yet Islamically lawful. In a period of perpetual economic recession, especially in the IT industry, such as the one we are currently witnessing, it is indeed challenging to find such a combo. While many do land good and halaal jobs, others resort to any sort of work or industry, often out of desperation or hopes of ‘quick and big cash’, that may not necessarily be pleasing to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala, the source of all our Rizq (wealth, sustenance and blessings).
It is important that we, the Muslim youth, work hard and honestly to earn money, instead of sitting idle at home or stealing other’s money. Our Prophet Muhammad sall Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam once reminded us, “It is better that a person should a take a rope and bring bundles of wood on his back to sell so that Allaah may preserve his honour, than that he should beg from people.” [Bukhaari & Muslim] Consumerism’s Promise: You will never be ‘Content’
However, while we strive hard to sustain ourselves with part time jobs, we need to also learn the ethics of ‘right’ and ‘pure’ earning and spending. How many youth are out there whose sole purpose of earning is to buy a new set of shoes, pair of trousers, or nail polish, every week! This is indeed the destructive outcome of our consumer teen culture.
Why is it crucial not to be corrupted by the greed of our materialistic society? The Prophet sall Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam has told us, "Riches are sweet, and a source of blessing to those who acquire them (lawfully) by the way; but those who seek them out of greed are like people who eat but are never full (or satisfied)."
Therefore, this kind of greed to have ‘everything cool or every fad out there’ will never satisfy you, no matter how much of it you have. Ever wonder, why the music and film industry never loses money? The idea is to keep every young person in our society ‘hooked’ on the music, lyrics, and the ‘stars’, that are strategically released to the public gradually, in stages, so that everyone keeps coming back for ‘more’.
Reality of ‘Entertainment’ and your Employment
At the end of the day, a music or movie addict realizes how hollow and temporary this ‘entertainment’ is--- something that destroys one’s soul by taking his or her mind and feelings to another realm of fantasy, only to realize that he or she is back to the same harsh realities of this life as soon as the tape is turn off!
The way we ‘kill our time’ in our leisure activities has a great influence on what type of job we would look for. If our priority in life is to serve our family, community and Islam, as well as improving our own relationship with Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta‘aala, then certainly we would look for a job or profession that accommodates all such commitments.
It helps to keep in mind the following portrayal of reality by our Prophet sall Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam: “Whoever sets this world as his goal, Allaah divides his affairs for him. He will place poverty between his eyes, and nothing will come to him from this world except what Allaah has written for him. Whoever sets the Hereafter as his goal, Allaah gathers his affairs for him, gives him richness of the heart and the world will come to him grudgingly and submissively.” [Ibn Majah & Ibn Hibban]
“It is not poverty which I fear....”
Is it any wonder that the Prophet Muhammad sall Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam commented, "It is not poverty which I fear for you, but that you might desire the world as others before you desired it, and it might destry you, as it destroyed them,"
How do we suppress our desire or love for this world? We can certainly do so by spending less on ourselves and contributing as much as possible to those in need. Even a regular, nominal donation to your local masjid, charity organization, youth group, Islamic publication, or a poor person would greatly bless your limited income from employment as a student; it will also serve a profound reminder to cut the greed. Your regular contribution to other’s well-being will make you think, every time you are widow shopping in a mall, “Do I really need it? Or am I tempted to buy this shirt or game because my friend always talks about it?
Reasons to avoid working for Ribaa (interest/usuary) based institutions
Ribaa involves earning income without actually working to earn it;
Ribaa based companies involve taking advantage of the need or financial circumstances of the borrower of loan;
Taking Ribaa, or working for institutions that promote it, contribute to great injustice and devastation, as we have already witnessed, both at individual and global level, such as, bankruptcy, corporate scandals, economic recession, inability to repay loans, and staggering unemployment to name a few;
Daily toil has become a never-ending struggle to pay off interest on mortgages or business loans, and societies have become class-ridden structures in which huge wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few;
As Shaykh Salih Al-Munajjid argues, “Perhaps all this is a manifestation of the war threatened by Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta‘aala to those who deal in Ribaa....The least harm that a job involving Ribaa does is to destroy the blessing (Barakah) of the money, even if a person’s income is great. The Prophet sall Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, "Even if Ribaa is much, it will end up being a small amount." [Al-Hakim]
Employment Search: Tips on keeping it Halaal
This summer, when you go out searching for employment, please make sure to accept a job that is pure and Halaal, and that it’s work-environment allows you to maintain your Islamic identity, including time and space for 5 daily prayers, allowance to observe Hijaab or Islamically modest clothing, and a minimum level of modesty (Hayaa) among the co-workers. Sr. Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood in her book 'Living with Teenagers' and Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi in his research work ‘The Lawful and the Prohibited in Islam’ provide the following useful tips on what type of job/work to stay away from:
any form of activity deriving money from pornography, prostitution and indecency (such as theatres, movie stores, clubs....etc. ), as Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala reminds us, "And do not come near Zinaa (fornication) ; indeed it is an abomination and an evil way". [Al Israa' 17:32];
any form of drama or dance entertainment that is deliberately or suggestive;
making statues of living creatures or photography that is sexually provocative, as the Prophet sall Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, "Allaah will punish anyone who makes figures (of living beings), until he breathes spirit into them, which he can never do. [Bukhaari;]
manufacturing, trading, or serving intoxicants and drugs;
working in a bar, off-licence, nightclub, dance hall, etc.;
being involved in armed forces fighting against other Muslims or killing innocent people;
working in banks, stock exchanges, futures markets, insurance companies, and other usurious or Ribaa-based institutions.
How do I tell?
How do we tell what is Haraam (unlawful) or Halaal (lawful) type of work? A general principle, as Sr. Ruqaiyyah explains, “is that if anybody’s means of earning a living hurts another, or results in another’s loss or corruption, then it is Haraam. If it is fair and beneficial to others as well, then it is Halaal. Obviously, any business or job that involves dishonesty, bribery, gambling, cheating (do deceptive marketing strategies ring a bell?), fraud, sexual degradation, or any other means of making a profit by exploiting others (such as lottery/raffle tickets), is forbidden to us Muslims.
The best practice to ignore or leave any job opportunity that seems to fall in the grey area. The Prophet Muhammad sall Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam advised us, “Leave alone what puts you in doubt and turn toward what does not create any doubt.” [Ahmad & Tirmidhi]. This is perhaps the most practical tool or tip to use in employment search.
The Road Ahead
Before you give up all the hope of finding a good halaal job, after reading the list of warnings and restrictions, remember that there are literally innumerable sources of employment, including Muslim and non-Muslim owned businesses, that offer a decent, honorable, professional, and above all halaal, environment. You may begin your job search with your local Muslim business directory!
You would never despair if you realized the truth of a statement from our Prophet’s sall Allaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam's collection of sayings, "If you give up something for sake of Allaah, He will replace something (even) better."
Let the following words of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta‘aala etched in your heart:
“Whoever has Taqwa (consciousness) of Allaah, He will make a way out for him” [At Talaaq 65:3].
This verse gives a boost to the confidence, faith, and optimism in the hearts of all the young Muslims striving to adopt a pure, Islamic lifestyle and to benefit their society as responsible citizens.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Your Employment & Expenditure
Posted by
Usman Ghany
3:28 AM
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Our role today is same as messangers of 4
Today, we will continue discussing the other tasks of the messengers so that we will know our role and tasks.
Fourth: Reforming and purifying the People's Souls
When people live in ignorant societies, that are not ruled by the Deen of Allaah and are not guided by Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala's legislation, they get corrupted, and corruption reaches the depth of their thoughts, their visions, their manners, and morals. So, it is a must that someone reform and purify these souls, and bring them back to their pure natural state that Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala created them with.
Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala made this difficult task from the tasks of the great messengers; that is reforming and purifying the souls of those people who accepted and embraced Islam as a way of life.
We see the Prophet Moosa (Moses)`alayhissala am when Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala sent him to the Pharaoh with a clear task. So, Allaah said in Soorat An-Nazi’aat, (Verses 17-19), what can be translated as, "Go to Pharaoh, verily, he has transgressed all bounds. And say to him: "Would you purify yourself (from the sin of disbelief). And that I guide you to your Lord, so you should fear Him."
We also see the Prophet Ibraheem (Abraham)`alayhissa laam, after he finished building Allaah's House, supplicating to Allaah to send in his progeny after him someone who will purify them. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala said in Soorat Al-Baqarah, (Verse 129), what can be translated as, "Our Lord! Send amongst them a Messenger of their own, who shall recite unto them Your Verses and teach them the Book (this Qur`aan) and Al-Hikmah (Wisdom), and sanctify them. Verily! You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala responded to his supplication by sending the Prophet Muhammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala also said in Soorat Al-Jumu’ah, (Verse 2), what can be translated as, "He it is Who sent among the unlettered ones a Messenger (Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam) from among themselves, reciting to them His Verses, purifying them, and teaching them the Book (this Qur`aan) and Al-Hikmah (Wisdom). And verily, they had been before in manifest error."
Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala made success or failure a result of purified souls or unpurified ones. So, he said in Soorat Ash-Shams, (Verses 9-10), what can be translated as, "Indeed he succeeds who purifies his ownself. And indeed he fails who corrupts his ownself. He also said in Soorat Al-A`la, (Verse 14), what can be translated as, "Indeed whosoever purifies himself shall achieve success." Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala also made entering Paradise and living in it forever a reward for the one who purified himself/herself. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala says in Soorat Ta-Ha (Verse 76), what can be translated as, " Everlasting Gardens under which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever: such is the reward of those who purify themselves."
Posted by
Usman Ghany
5:04 PM
Labels: Islam
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Our Role today is the Same as messangers of 3
The third task is giving glad tidings and warnings
The Da’wah of the messengers to their people was always associated with glad tidings and warnings; it is the way that does not separate from the Da’wah, and because they are so associated with each other, because of that we find the Holy Qur`aan in some verses clarifying the task of the messengers as giving glad tidings and warnings. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala says in Soorat Al-Kahf, (Verse 56), what can be translated as, "And we send not the Messengers except as giver of glad tidings and warners."
The Prophet Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam gave an example about himself in a Hadeeth that was reported by Imaam Bukhaari and Imaam Muslim, "my example and the example of what Allaah has sent me with is like a man who came to a people and said: Oh people, I have seen the army of the enemy with my own eyes, and I am the naked warner, so save yourself, save yourself, so a group among his people obeyed him, so they moved early before dawn, they withdrew slowly and saved themselves from the enemy. And the other group among his people disbelieved in him and remained in their places, and in the early morning the army of the enemy got to them, destroyed them and ran all over them. So this is the example of the one who obeyed me and followed what I was sent with, and the example of the one who disobeyed me and disbelieved the truth that I came with."
The messengers, when giving glad tidings and warnings to the people, they were applicable to this life and the Hereafter. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala says in Soorat An-Nahl, (Verse 97), what can be translated as, "Whoever works righteousness, whether male or female, while he (or she) is a true believer verily, to him We will give a good life (meaning in this worldly life)," and also the Messengers gave glad tidings to the obedients and promised them with dignity, power, and peace in this life. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala also says in Soorat An-Noor, (Verse 55), what can be translated as, "Allaah has promised those among you who believe, and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the earth, as He granted it to those before them, and that He will grant them the authority to practice their D
een, that which He has chosen for them (i.e. Islam). And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear. They submit to me and do not associate anything with Me…", Also, on the other hand, the messengers warn the disobedients of hardship and punishment in this life before the Hereafter. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala says in Soorat Ta-ha, (Verse 124), what can be translated as, "But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (this Qur`aan) verily, for him is a life of hardship, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection. " Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala also says to the Prophet Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam in Soorat Fussilat, (Verse 13), what can be translated as, "But if they turn away, then say (O’ Mohammad): "I have warned you of a Sa’iqa (a destructive awful cry, torment, hit a thunder-bolt) like the Sa’iqa which overtook Ad and Thamud (people).
Giving glad tiding and warning like the messengers did is the key to the human soul because the good soul is naturally always seeking the good things for itself and keeping the bad and harm away from itself. If the messengers and the Da’eeyah (caller for Allaah) show the people the good that they will gain from belief and the righteous deed, the people would hurry to gain that good. On the other hand, when it is shown to the people the great harm that would befall a person as a result of disbelief, misguidance and remaining away from the path of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala, the people would get scared and hurry to leave all of that.
So, we should not forget the importance of this issue when we play our role in this world. Also we should start with conveying the message in the clearest way, then calling the people to Islam, then giving glad tidings and warnings, and this should be practiced in a balanced careful way without extremes.
Next week, with the help of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala, we will continue to learn about the tasks of the great messengers of the past, that is in fact our role and task today.
Posted by
Usman Ghany
2:40 PM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Our Role Today is the Same as Messangers of 2
We addressed the question in Part 1: What is our role today in this society? We concluded that our role is the same as the role of the great past messengers whom Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala sent to humanity. This is because we are the messengers’ heirs till the Day of Judgment, and we know that their first task was conveying the message in the clearest way. We know that conveying the message requires courage and not fearing the people. We also learned that conveying the message can be done by reciting the Holy Qur`aan that Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala revealed and by clarifying the divine revelations to the people.
Today, we will continue with the other tasks of the blessed messengers so that we can know our role and tasks today
The second task is giving Da’wah (calling) the people to Allaah
The messengers’ task does not end with clarifying the truth to the people and conveying it to them. They also have to call the people to adopt what they are calling them for and submit to it, and apply it in their lives with conviction, both verbally and with action.
All the messengers`alayhimu ssalaam had the same perspective when calling the people to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala; They said to the people: You are the creation of Allaah and are his servants, and Allaah alone is your creator, your Lord and your God, and Allaah has sent us to you to show you how you should submit your life to him alone, so you should obey us in this matter... and the verses are abundant in this context, for example, in Soorat An-Nahl, (Verse 36), what can be translated as, "And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming) : "Submit to Allaah (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) taghoot (all false deities etc…)…"" And Allaah speaks to his Prophet Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam in Soorat Al-Anbiyaa, (Verse 25), what can be translated as, "And We did not send any Messenger before you (O Mohammad) but We inspired him (saying): Laa ilaaha illaa Ana (none has the right to be submitted to but I Allaah), so submit to Me (Alone and none else)" Every messenger that Allaah sent to the people, said to them, "Fear Allaah and Obey Me" This appears in the Qur`aan in more than ten different places.
The blessed messengers made so much effort for the sake of calling the people to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala that it took them their whole life. We find many details about that in the Holy Qur`aan. For example, the first messenger, Nooh, `alayhissalaam who spent with his people 950 years calling them to the way of Allaah. He spent all of his life, day and night, in different ways of approaching the people, secretly and openly, by alluring them, and making them fear Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala, by encouraging and warning them. The prophet Nooh`alayhissalaam had tried his best to open their minds and their hearts and direct them to the great signs in the universe that indicate the greatness of the Creator Allaah, the Exatled but they turned away from h is call, and no one believed in him except very few people. Read his story in the Holy Qur`aan in Soorat Nooh and in other places to know the greatness of the Da’wah to the people for Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala.
Also, the life of the Prophet Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam was all Da’wah for Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala and he used through it all means available to him and at all levels, inside Makkah and outside. The books of the Seerah are the best source for details about this.
The angels Jibreel (Gabriel) and Mike’eel (Michael) showed the Prophet sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam an example that clarified to him and us his role and his task. In the Hadeeth reported by Imaam Al-Bukhaari and At-Tirmithi, that the Prophet sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam said, "I saw in my dream that Jibreel was at my head, and Mike’eel was at my feet; one of them saying to the other: give him an example of himself, so he said: ‘listen, may Allaah help you hear, and may Allaah make your heart to understand, Your example and the example of your Ummah is as the king who got some land, and built on it a house, then brought in it a table with food on it, then he sent a messenger to invite the people to his food, some of them accepted the invitation and came, and others rejected the invitation and turned away.’ ‘Allaah is the King, the land is Islam, the house is the Paradise, and you O`Mohammad are the messenger, and the one who accepted the invitation and came, they entered Islam, and whoever enters Islam, they enter Paradise, and whoever enters Paradise, they will eat what is in it."
So, we should invite people to Islam, the Deen of Allaah that He sent down to the Prophet Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam, and whoever accepts our invitation will enter Paradise, and whoever enters Paradise, they will eat what is in it. This is our second task.
Posted by
Usman Ghany
8:29 PM
Labels: Islam
Friday, June 15, 2007
Words of Wisdom
If you plant honesty, You will reap trust
If you plant humility, You will reap greatness
May Allaah Subhaanahau wa Ta`aala keep us on the Straight Path.
Posted by
Usman Ghany
3:56 PM
Labels: Islam
When Actions Scream Louder than Words
I wonder how much we realize the impact that our actions may have on other people. Our actions are living proof of who we really are, what we really think and what we really believe... and by our actions we are either respected or disrespected. We often fail to realize how fragile that respect really is, and how long it took to build it. But in our arrogance and haughtiness we are sometimes blinded to the fact that it takes only a short time to crumble walls that stood for so long. The reason is because by our actions, our arrogance and disrespect for others, we end up tearing ourselves down, exposing ourselves for what is truly in our hearts and in the end we are the ones that end up the loser. Some of us may feel that we have earned respect, but if one has earned respect, one must continue to act in ways that beckon people to continue that respect, otherwise brick by brick the wall will become weak, and will eventually become nothing more than dust. If we become so arrogant that we feel we have the right to talk rudely to our elders, whether they be male or female and be disrespectful to mothers and wives - the educators of our Ummah, then we must also be ready to suffer the loss of our own respect, the respect of others and the loss of our honor, as we are no longer worthy of such position and dignity. If by helping others accomplish goals for the sake of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala, we find ourselves throwing this help back in face of those that asked for it...we must be ready to lose that opportunity to ever again of being asked to help for the sake of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala, and to lose the rewards that accompany it as well. Not only in regards to Islam have we lost a true blessing, but also we have acted in extremely bad taste. In ways that many non-Muslims would abhor.
We must realize that we are not indefensible, we are not invincible. We must also come to the realization that in this world there are many that would jump at the chance to earn more blessings and work for the sake of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala. Many that would never feel as arrogant as we did to throw it back in the face of those that asked for your help. If we become so arrogant, so haughty that we feel we have the authority to question others' eemaan (faith), we must be ready ourselves to be questioned, as it strongly says something about ourselves that we would have so much arrogance to judge other people levels of faith. For anyone to assume that they know whether one has high eemaan or low eemaan, is to commit shirk, as this knowledge is only with Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala. The only way in which to repair the damage that has been done is to first repent to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala and then to ask forgiveness of the brothers and sisters that our actions have so negatively affected. And then the building must begin, but we must remember that because the damage that we have afflicted ourselves with, it will take much time to re-build our wall, our respect, our honour and our dignity. We must be sincere and change our ways of arrogance, humble ourselves and make du'aa to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala for His help, for Only He Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala can truly help us. We must never forget that respect is something that cannot be demanded and cannot be forced onto others. Respect is a luxury that none can afford. Respect can only be earned, and by our actions we either deserve it or don't.
Posted by
Usman Ghany
3:32 PM
Labels: Islam
Thursday, June 14, 2007
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you
But make allowance for their doubting too,
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream--and not make dreams your master,
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it all on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much,
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!
--Rudyard Kipling
Posted by
1:54 PM
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Engineering In Hell
Rest of your post
An engineer dies and reports to the pearly gates. St. Peter checks
his dossier and says, "Ah, you're an engineer -- you're in the wrong
So, the engineer reports to the gates of hell and is let in. Pretty
soon, the engineer gets dissatisfied with the level of comfort in
hell, and starts designing and building improvements. After awhile,
they've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and the
engineer is a pretty popular guy.
One day, God calls Satan up on the telephone and says with a sneer,
"So, how's it going down there in hell?"
Satan replies, "Hey, things are going great. We've got air
conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and there's no telling
what this engineer is going to come up with next."
God replies, "What??? You've got an engineer? That's a mistake -- he
should never have gotten down there; send him up here."
Satan says, "No way. I like having an engineer on the staff, and I'm
keeping him."
God says, "Send him back up here or I'll sue."
Satan laughs uproariously and answers, "Yeah, right. And just where
are YOU going to get a lawyer?"
Posted by
4:12 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
With reference to your query on Jinn and Shaytaan
With reference to your query <<< “is there any tangible proof for the existence of Jinns and Syaitan.” >>> it should be noted that the world of the jinn is the world of the unseen, and we do not know anything about it except that which Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala has told us in His Book, the Qur`aan or on the lips of His Messenger sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam. Based on this, we cannot say anything about them except that which has been narrated in the texts of Islam; anything other than that is hidden from us. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala says (interpretation of the meaning):
“And follow not (O man, i.e., say not, or do not, or witness not) that of which you have no knowledge. Verily, the hearing, and the sight, and the heart of each of those ones will be questioned (by Allaah)” [al-Israa' 17:36]
It should also be noted that what information Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala has given us about the jinn and other creatures are for our benefit, and what He Ta`aala has concealed from us we do not need to know. If knowing that was essential for us, Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala would have told us. Hence we should not concern ourselves with such matters or look for tangible proof/mysteries of the jinn which can only be known through Revelation.
Below are some information pertaining to the matter of your query:
1. A brief summary about the Jinn and the Shaytaan, and their respective nature and characteristics, excerpted from the book`Aalim al-Jinn wa`l-Shayateen written by Dr.`Umar Sulaymaan al-Ashqar. If you wish to have more information, on this topic, you can purchase this book (in English) entitled “The World of the Jinn and Devils in the Light of the Qur`aan and Sunnah” published as Vol. 3 of the Islamic Creed Series by the International Islamic Publishing House, Riyadh , Saudi Arabia .
2. Some further information on the Shaytaan's existence from (Imaam al-Shawkaani' s tafseer) by Shaykh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid (Islam Q&A)
Allaah is the Best of protectors and we ask Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala to protect us and forgive us our sins and to bless us with beneficial knowledge and guide us to do righteous deeds. Aameen
Posted by
Usman Ghany
12:58 PM
Labels: Islam
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Our Role Today is the Same as Messangers of
Many of us wonder today: What is our role as Muslims in this non-Islamic society? Asking this question is a good thing in itself because it indicates the beginning of the awareness in the mind of the Muslims, after a long absence.
This is an important and a dangerous question because it searches for an answer for a fundamental and a vital issue in our lives; if the correct answer is not found, then we will end up with the wrong one which may threaten our future and the future of Islam in America .
There is a good chance that the wrong answer will be found because of many factors:
The ignorance of many Muslims in the reality of Islam and its role in saving humanity.
The lack of awareness of the reality of this age, the status of the Muslim Ummah, the events that occur on the world level, the conspiracies of the enemies to put down and destroy Islam and end its role in the world or give it a marginal role by redefining Islam with a new fake definition.
The defeated mentality is dominant among many Muslims today. This came as a result of defeat and the absolute astonishment at what the non-Muslims have as civilization, technologies, and even culture.
The vain desires, the love of this worldly life and the hatred of death, by undervaluing the hereafter, influenced the minds and personality of many Muslims.
The many misguiding and forced solutions presented to Muslims by their enemies who work very hard in a deceiving manner to tell us what is our role today in this society. These enemies forced the wrong and false answers onto us deceivingly in many ways. They also removed the correct original answers and attacked it by describing it and the people who believe and carry this answer with the worst descriptions. This is so that the Muslim will get away from them and hate the correct answer instead of adopting it and working to establish it. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala says in Soorat Al-Anfaal, (Verse 30), what can be translated as, "They were plotting and Allaah too was planning, and Allaah is the Best of the planners."
What makes things more complicated and the vision more erroneous is that some loyal sincere Muslims fell into the trap that the enemies of Islam have set up and skillfully designed. These sincere Muslims with their followers and those whom they influence took the wrong way that was defined for them. These Muslims became the fuel and the workers in a conspiracy that they did not plan and will not benefit from either in the short term or the long term. Furthermore, if someone pointed out their mistakes, that they are adopting, they would find justification for the errors in the religious texts that justifies their position. This is done without deep investigation and verification until we become like the Prophet sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam said in a trial that makes the intellectuals confused.
What is our role in this age and in this society as Muslims?
To answer this question, first of all, we do not need to devise a new role. This is because our role had already been defined to us by Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala a long time ago. Many great messengers played that role, and achieved many reforms and saved the humanity throughout the course of history.
All we need today is to rediscover and explore this role and know its characteristics by removing the ruins and debris away from it until we can clear its beautiful picture, and then to adopt it and behave according to it. If we do that, then we will save ourselves and the entire humanity with the help of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala like the messengers do.
All of us know and believe that Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala the One who created the creations did not leave people without guidance; on the contrary, he devised to all humanity a complete and comprehensive system of life. Which was carried by the messengers from one generation to the next. This role of the messengers had never changed or altered with the differences of age or place that they were sent in from Noah`alayhissalaam until the Prophet Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam; the seal of all Prophets and messengers.
Today, Muslims are in fact the followers and true inheritors of those messengers and are the extension of truthfulness. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala has sealed the messages and the messengers with the Prophet Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam and made their role to be played by the messengers' heirs who are the Muslims till the Day of Judgment.
This role has not changed with time nor has it changed with place; its phases, goals and ends have remained unchanged. What have changed are its means and tools that may differ according to time and place.
Now, I will present the role of the messengers and their tasks so that we know our role in this life.
First, is conveying the message in the clearest way
The messengers are the ambassadors of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala to his servants and the carriers of his revelations. Their first task is to deliver and convey this trust, which they carried to the servants of Allaah. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala says in Soorat Al-Maa`idah, (Verse 67), what can be translated as, "O’ Messenger (Mohammad)! Proclaim (the message) which has been sent down to you from your Lord. And if you do not, then you have not conveyed His Message."
Conveying the message needs courage and not to fear the people. This is needed because the person will deliver to them what is completely different and conflicts with their Aqeedah, their status, and desires that they have lived with for a long time. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala says in Soorat Al-Ahzab, (Verse 39), what can be translated as, "Those who convey the Message of Allaah and fear Him, and fear none except Allaah…"
Conveying the message should be done by reciting the verses that Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala has revealed no more or less. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala says, commanding the Prophet Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam, in Soorat Al-Ankaboot, (Verse 45), what can be translated as, "Recite (O Mohammad) what has been revealed to you of the Book (the Qur`aan)…" Allaah also says in another verse, (151), Soorat Al-Baqarah, what can be translated as, "Similarly We have sent among you a Messenger (Mohammad) of your own, reciting to you Our Verses the (Qur`aan)…" So, if the revelation is not a divine text that is to be recited meaning the Prophet’s tradition (Sunnah), then conveying the message is by clarifying the commands and the prohibitions and the meanings and the knowledge that Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala had revealed no more no less.
From conveying the message the messenger should clarify and explain clearly the meaning and goals of the revelation that Allaah had sent down to His servants. This is because he, the messenger sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam, knows better than anyone else about what Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala means from His Revelation.
In this context, Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala says in Soorat An-Nahl, (Verse 44), what can be translated as, "… And We have also sent down unto you (O’ Mohammad) the reminder and the advice (the Qur`aan) that you may explain clearly to men what is sent down to them…" The Prophet sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam may clarify the meaning of the revelation by his saying, doing, or consent. From here came the Sunnah of Prophet Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam to clarify many Qur`aanic verses.
If it happens that the people turned away from the messengers' call, the messengers can not do anything except to convey the message. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala says in Soorat Al-`Imraan, (Verse 20), what can be translated as, "…But if they turn away, your duty is only to convey the Message…" Allaah also says to the people in Soorat Al-Maa`idah, (Verse 92), what can be translated as "...Then if you (people) turn away, you should know that it is Our Messenger’s duty to convey (the message) in the clearest way.", and in another verse, He Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala also says to His Prophet Mohammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam in Soorat As-Shoora, (Verse 48), what can be translated as, "But if they turn away (O Mohammad)…We have not sent you as a hafeez (protector) over them. Your duty is to convey the message…"
So the first task and role of the great messengers is conveying the message in the clearest way to the people. And this is our first task in our role today and it should not be changed or altered.
Next week with the help of Allaah we will learn more about our tasks so that we will better know our true role as Muslims today.
Posted by
Usman Ghany
7:11 PM
Labels: Islam
Saturday, June 9, 2007
No matter what
Whether the day is gray or
whether it is sunny,
you can make a difference.
If others support you or
if they conspire to stand in your way,
you can make a difference.
If you have plenty of resources available to you or
if you have very few,
you can make a difference.
If momentum is on your side or if it is not,
you can make a difference.
You can wait and hope for things to go your way.
Or you can get busy and
make it happen.
You can complain that life has been terribly unfair.
Or you can move ahead anyway and achieve what you intend,
no matter what the obstacles may be.
You can plead with others to give you a break.
Or you can go ahead and
forge your own path to success.
Wherever you may be,
whatever may have happened,
you can make a positive difference.
Live with commitment,
decide to move forward no matter what,
and you will.
Posted by
8:23 PM
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Tongue and Teeth
The Tongue The tongue: a mere piece of meat with no bones in it.but like a work-horse, it carries you forward–it speeds you to Paradise , or dumps you into Hell. Take control of it, or it takes control of you.
So how do you steer this beast? Read on!
Pick your teeth! Backbiting: one of the greatest sins, yet something we fall into, time after time, often without realizing. You chat away with your friends, you mention somebody else, and suddenly, the horse is out of control.
Our societies revolve around shows like “Friends” and “Sienfeld”, shows based on lying, backbiting and cheating. But look to the best generation instead: when one of the companions spoke badly about someone who wasn't there, the Prophet, the Prophet said to him: "Pick your teeth!" The companion said "but I haven't eaten anything!" The Prophet said "You have eaten the flesh of your dead brother!"
As Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala tells us in the Qur'aan: "Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother?” [Hujuraat, verse 12]. The number three combo, a double McRotty, extra putrified, with a side order of squirmy white maggots? “No, you would hate it." But they deserve it!Ok, back up a second. Is it still backbiting if it's true? What if it's only half true?Or what if they deserved it? They're just mean, vicious little creatures who ruined your entire day with their attitude, their demands, or something else--and you just had to tell somebody!
Well, the Prophet sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam made it clear for us: "backbiting is to say something about someone they wouldn't like said about them. [...] If what bad you said about them is true, then you have backbitten them, and if it is false, then you have slandered them!" [Saheeh Muslim]
”So what,” you might say, “it's not a big deal. Everybody does it!”
On the night of Miraaj (the Prophet sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam's ascension to heaven), he passed by some people with metal hooks in their hands who clawed at their faces and their necks with them. When he inquired about them, Jibreel said, 'These are the people who eat the flesh of human beings and disgrace them.'" [Aboo Dawood].
So don't worry about “everybody” yet. Worry about yourself first!
Just teasing! Maybe we think it's funny to trash-talk someone to their face. Maybe their clothes smell like curry, or maybe their beard needs a weed-whacker, or maybe niqaab actually makes them look better!
Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala warns us about this type of rudeness directly in the Qur'aan, when He says in soorah Hujuraat verse 11 (the interpretation of the meaning):
"O you who believe, let not some a party of you laugh at others, it may be the (latter) are better than you (former). Nor abuse each other, nor be sarcastic to each other by using offensive nicknames ... And whosoever does not repent (from these things), then such are the wrong-doers."
Besides, Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala made us the way we are. Humans have no control over their height, their flappy ears, or their pug-noses. What's more, one of the characteristics of munafiquwn (hypocrites) is that they mocked the believers. So when your tongue insists on remembering other people's shortcomings, remember your own shortcomings to keep it in line.
You know, it's cool to swear ...If you listen to some of your friends (or maybe yourself!) speak one day—you may notice, nearly every other sentence contains swear words. Maybe you think it's cool to swear, to copy the idols of TV and the cinema. Is it really “cool” to swear? The Hellfire is far from being cool--people will wish they were cool then, rather than being cool in this world! Remember: an angel writes down every single word you say, and one day, you will have to answer for all of it.
Sometimes you're so angry with someone, the only way to express yourself is to swear at them or hit them. The solution?
Be strong. Our Prophet sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam said: the strong man is not the one with the best Kung-Fu, but the one who controls himself in a fit of rage. [Muslim]
It's ok to feel angry. But learn to channel it properly. If someone angers you or swears at you, step back. Take deep breaths. Walk away, if you have to. Make woodhu with icy-cold water and go pray.
When you feel better, then respond in a better way, as Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala says: "Repel evil with what is better. Then he who was your worst enemy will become your best friend!" [Fussilat verse 34]
Moi? I never said that! How often do we say "I was only kidding" or “just joking”? We treat the biggest lies like the smallest flies, gnats to be waved away until we get caught out. By then, it won't matter, right?
Wrong! The angel on your left shoulder is scribbling, scribbling, writing everything you say and do against yourself. Even if you're the only person on the Earth who knows, Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala the All-Seeing and All-Knowing is watching you.
One of the companions of the Prophet sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam asked, straight-up: “Can a Muslim be a liar?” He said “No! A Muslim can never be a liar!” [Malik's Muwatta]
He also said: "Truth leads to virtue and virtue leads to Paradise [...] lying leads to wickedness and wickedness leads to the Hellfire. And a person may keep telling lies until he is recorded as a liar." [Saheeh Bukhaari]
One lie leads to ten. Ten lead to 100. More and more and more lies, until you're caught in a web that not even you can remember the truth about. Save yourself now! Don't be recorded a liar in your eternal biography!
But it's only words!You're just flapping your gums, right? What -- you don't mean any of it! What does it matter?
Remember: people enter into Islam through words (the shahadah), and leave Islam through words (of disbelief). The power of words seals marriage between two unrelated people, or shatters their relationship forever in. All through words.
So if you think you won't be held accountable for your words, think again: the Messenger of Allaah sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam told us that people will be flung face-down into the Hellfire, only on account to what they said! [Tirmidhi]
I must be doomed!"I lie, backbite, and swear all the time. I must be going to Hell!" A one-way ticket to a place where they serve you boiling water and devils-heads for sustainance. You're doomed, right?
No! Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala tells us in the Qur'aan: "O my servants who have wronged themselves, never despair of the mercy of Allaah, for truly He forgives all sins. He is the Forgiving, the Merciful." [Az-Zumar, verse 53]
If you repent and turn back to Allaah, and promise not to commit the sin again, never ever, for as long as you live, and mean it, then He will forgive you. And whose mercy is greater than Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala's?
Make amends! If you've backbitten someone, go and tell the person, apologize sincerely, and ask them to forgive you. (If they say “no”, don't worry about it—you've done what you can.)
But, if you think that might worsen the situation, then turn sincerely to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala and beg for His forgiveness. Then to make up for what you said--go and speak good of the person behind their back.
Key to ParadiseIf you control your tongue and speak good, Paradise can be yours, there to abide forever.
The Prophet sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever can guarantee me two things I can guarantee them Paradise : what lies between his two jaw-bones (his tongue) and what lies between his two legs." [Bukhaari]
Even more amazing, he sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam said: whoever prevents sending gossip against his brother, Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala puts down a right upon Himself to relieve that person from the Hellfire.
So remember next time you feel like spouting at or about someone: if you remain patient, Paradise can be yours. All it takes is willpower and practice!
A Shovelful of Good DeedsYour tongue can be a shovel. You now know all the ways to shovel the bad stuff, and get yourself in deep, deep doo. But how can you use it shovel up piles and mountains of good deeds for yourself?
Dhikr: Keep your tongue soaked in the rememberence of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala. Whether a five-minute walk down the street or an hour-long drive, remember Allaah, and glorify Him (tasbeeh—SubhaanAlla ah, Alhamdulillaah, and Allaahu Akbar). Remember His Names and Attributes—the Most Merciful, the Just, the All-Knowing.
Defend and Explain Islam: When Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala tests us, as He promised He will, be ready to step up to the challenge. Often, you can unlock people’s misconceptions with just a five-minute explaination on what Islam is really about.
Naseehah: Give people you know sincere, heart-felt advice. (Make sure you do so in a gentle way--“yes, I really think your clothes smell like curry” won't work too well.) Think it through before you say it, and make sure it sounds soft, not harsh. That makes it easier for them to accept.
One Tongue to Rule them AllFinally, if you remember anything, remember this one statement. It will ensure the protection of your tongue, bi idhnillah!
Are you ready for it?
Here it is: the Messenger of Allaah sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam said: "Whoever believes in Allaah and the Last day, let him either speak good or keep silent!" [agreed upon]
Posted by
Usman Ghany
3:38 PM
Labels: Islam
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Dhikr For Students
What deed is better than giving gold and silver? According to our beloved Prophet Muhammad sall Allaahu`alayhi wa sallam, it is dhikr, which means remembrance of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala.
Dhikr is a form of worship that in importance comes only after the ritual Prayer (salaah) and reading Qur`aan. While salaah has to be performed at certain times and under certain conditions of purity, dhikr can be made any time, in any place. It can be done by repeating certain formulas to extol and praise Allaah, or it can be just thoughts of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala in one's heart and mind.
Students are greatly blessed in that they have many excellent opportunities every day to perform dhikr. In school all day long students are being given knowledge by their teachers. I am specifically referring to academic courses such as math, physics, social studies, history, languages, and all others rather than religious courses; although this can apply in religious courses also.
Consider what happens now in those academic courses. The teacher tells the students many true facts every day, or the students read new facts from books, and the students remember some number of those facts; but, seldom is Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala mentioned, and I would guess that seldom is Allaah remembered. This is not the way it should be. Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala should be remembered always.
I would like to suggest a programme of dhikr that would take very little time, be of great spiritual benefit to students, help ensure a close personal relationship with Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala, and probably even help students learn the academic subjects better. If this dhikr would do all that how could any Muslim student not want to at least try this method.
To understand the purpose of this dhikr you must first know that Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala has given us two important sources of revelation, the Qur`aan and His Physical Creation. We are told we must 'read' each of these two sources in a balance if we are to correctly understand the right way of life (Deen) in Islam, which Allaah has given us.
There are many ways to learn the knowledge of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala's Physical Creation. For students one of the best sources of knowledge of Allaah's Physical Creation is the knowledge being taught in the various academic courses at school. All true knowledge is Islamic knowledge. For example, even the simple fact that 2+2=4 is Islamic knowledge. Allaah has made His Physical Creation such that for us to succeed and progress in the world He has created for us it is necessary to know such simple truths.
So, how does this relate to dhikr? Every time you hear some new fact about Allaah's Physical Creation this provides an ideal opportunity to remember Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala. You could use being given each new bit of information as a cue to remember Allaah. Of course it will be very hard in the beginning to always remember Allaah, so at first you should try to use hearing new bits of information as cues to remember Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala as often as possible.
Be sure not to get too upset with yourself if you sometimes forget to remember Allaah each time you are given some new bit of information, but always try to tell yourself in your mind what a wonderful thing you have done when you do remember Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala. If you do this you will find yourself remembering Allaah more and more often, and you will feel happier and happier that you are remembering Allaah.
What kind of things should we say in our thoughts when we remember Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala in this kind of dhikr? In the example above about 2+2=4, you could say such things as, "Thank you Allaah for letting me know that 2+2=4" or "Oh Allaah, it is wonderful how you have made numbers and math so we can count and measure". You could say these things or even better you can think of other things on your own to say, to tell Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala how much you appreciate Him and His Creation.
If you were in a physics class and it was explained to you how levers work you might remember Allaah by saying such things as, "Oh Allaah, I am so thankful that you make hard work easier for us by giving us levers", or "Wow, levers are so cool, thank you Allaah for this knowledge."
If you were studying a foreign language and you are learning new words in that language you might say, "It is wonderful, Allaah, how You have allowed people so many different ways to say the same thing", or "I love all the different people and languages that You have placed on the Earth, Allaah".
As you can easily see there are a huge number of things you will be taught in your classes that can serve as cues for you to remember Allaah, each of these is dhikr; and, the kinds of things you could say in remembrance of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala in these situations are virtually unlimited. In the things you say in remembrance of Allaah it is usually best to give thanks, to show caring, to feel excited, and to be specific about how the knowledge you have learned is connected to Allaah's Plan for all His Creation.
The reasons for doing this kind of dhikr are many and they are very important. In today's world we so often take the knowledge we are taught in school for granted. We usually don't consider the knowledge we learn in academic subjects to be part of our spiritual obligation to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala. We often consider this objective knowledge of Allaah's Physical Creation that we learn in academic courses to be separate from the knowledge of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala we learn in religious courses. In truth, there is no separation between these two kinds of knowledge.
For us to truly understand the Islam which Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala gave us as the right way of life, we must come to see that everything is from Allaah, there is nothing in life but that which Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala has Created. Alhamdulillaah. We must come to love the knowledge we are given in academic courses as much as we love the knowledge we get from our religious courses; both sources of knowledge bring us closer to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala.
When we live our lives in today's busy world it is very easy to forget that everything we do is part of our relationship with Allaah. Constant remembrance of Allaah is the ideal, but few of us ever achieve that high spiritual level. This dhikr for students provides a simple, easy way to increase your remembrance of Allaah, and therefore to improve your relationship with Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala.
When knowledge is offered in academic courses it is easy to ignore the knowledge or forget it, since many times we are given this knowledge without being told how this knowledge will be valuable to us throughout our lives. If knowledge is not linked with something very important we often don't care very much about it; what could be more important than acknowledging the link of all true knowledge to Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala?
By discussing in our minds the knowledge we have just learned when we do this form of dhikr we are also giving special attention to that knowledge so that it is more likely we will remember it in the future. Any new knowledge you think about after you first learn it will be more firmly fixed in memory. Also as we come to see the connections between knowledge from the different academic areas we will better understand how knowing the truths of Allaah's Physical Creation can aid us to become better Muslims in every way.
Another important benefit from this student dhikr, which has so many valuable benefits, is that students remembering Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala in this way will come to view their teachers in a different, more positive manner. Unfortunately, in schools today students sometimes see teachers as adults who are trying to force useless knowledge down their throats. When teachers are instead seen as well meaning, caring adults who are trying to help students better understand the Islam which Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala gave us as the right way of life, and who are attempting to give us knowledge that will result in a closer personal relationship with Allaah, students will almost certainly develop a greater love and respect for their teachers.
When students and teachers love and respect each other everything improves in the classroom environment. Everyone is happier, everyone works harder, everyone works more efficiently, and everyone learns more. Allaah Almighty has made it very clear through revelation how much he values education and the gaining of knowledge. To gain knowledge is one of our primary responsibilities as Muslims. How then could we rightly do anything but learn as much as possible of the knowledge so generously offered during our student years?
Isn't it wonderful that as we fulfill our responsibility to gain knowledge of Allaah's Physical Creation during our years in school that we can at the same time perform dhikr so that we increase our ability to benefit from that knowledge and become ever closer in our personal relationship with Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala?
Remembrance of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala through our student years can be the means for us to grow into Muslims of excellent character, who can make right the many wrongs in today's world, who can eventually live in a fully and truly Islamic world, and who on Judgment Day will have a very good chance of being granted entry into Paradise.
Posted by
Usman Ghany
4:36 PM
Labels: Islam