Sunday, April 1, 2007

Wake up call for Freedom

Allah Is Great

Slam, borthers and sisters in .........

Have a look around you as being a muslim in burma. What are they doing even not being citizens in burma ?
You might think that they are stupid or they don't have future plan for their lives but for Community. But unlike us, they are not muslim. Even not muslim, they concern about their brothers and serving for community.

Unfortunately, we are now looking only for our own life and how to settle in better position. Is there anyone thinks about our environment just for one second? If you have never thought about this kind of topic, when you get free time perhaps in toilet, close your eyes for a moment and think that firstly " Where am I and what I am doing for myself" and then complete your mission for yourself first. Yet don't forget to continue of thinking that start from first your closet community which is your own family till the end of world and ask youself what you have done for them.

You can stay as you were and I am not forcing all of my brothers and sisters who reads this, to be politicians or to terrorize and to against the world. There are plenty of ways to serve our community, I don't think that I need to say this way and that way because most of us are mature already and educated.

Why I am reminding this to all of my brothers and sisters in Islam, Because If we compare our commitmet for community with our brothers who are unbelievers, shame to be muslim. If someone has feeling of serving community, but don't have time or fear of facing problems, let me ask you " What's your fear". Even those who don't have Iman which is believing in about Human beings and creatures are created by Allah (SWT) and Miracle of Allah (SWT) ( Sorry for showing the meaning of Iman ), they dare to ask their right for themselves and for community becaues they believe World is theirs. What happen to us, world and creatures are created for every human being, not only for single community. Ok let's forget about concept of Islam and think as a human this is our world, so this is our land, our place, and this is our environment.

One concept, I believe is that if environment is good, our lives will be good, so try to settle in good environment but the problem is how to be there. There are two ways, first, shift your life to good environment and second is change your environment to be good. For me, I would like to choose second because this is only for exclusive people, I mean qualified people who can do the things right. Thus, you decide what kind of person you are and your life is for what.

" Talking is useless" do the things to be right and find out your hidden power, but don't do right things at worng place, this is only stupid people do. Muhammad (S.A.W) is exceptional leader for us " do u have doubt for this ! " . And don't let know about you to others, they might put you into trouble. Nowadays not only women gossip, but men also do it, so keep away from them as well, I think this is effect of technology era.

Thanks for your attention!
All the best.

By calling of freedom
( this is a huge word for our heart, and only for those who has ability to accept it )

I think in this blog we can explore our mind, so let's do it. I am waiting for your suggestions and opnions for this letter from my brothers and sisters in Islam.

Pray Allah to give ideas in our mind, and brave in our heart to face the world.


Thinzar said...

This is a really good reminder which kept me in deep thinking for days.

Yeah, it's true. We shall be thinking and discussing about what we able to do (perhaps someday) to serve our community. Islam doesn't say we can't think of ourselves,
we could contribute better if we are settled, the idea here is not to induldge oneself too much in luxury till forgetting the rest.
Allah have granted us exceptional opportunities to seek higher education which will almost guarantee our future. (Here, let me quote some of my fellow friend's words.) She used to remind me that on the day of judgement, we are supposed to give an answer to Allah of how we have made use the opportunity we received, for the betterment of our community. Hence, we should strive our best so that we could provide an answer.

Like what have been written in the above article, everyday, we witness, through media, of massive commitments by unbelievers but very little from Muslim World. I'm also finding an answer for "What is your fear". To admit, "Am i afraid of something?", perhaps, but m not also sure, of what...

I've been agreeing with Mr. author's says, but got different opinion on "shift your life to good environment" or "change your environment to be good." I don't want to find an excuse and say that not everyone are in the condition of capable to choose the latter, the main idea however is one's motive. All in all, it's a persons' motive that could even change the world.

The best part I like about the letter above is "don't do right things at wrong place". true...

Humans are forgetful (more precisely, not always conscious of everything), thus, thank you for preparing this article/letter-like reminder (at least for me).

With this, I pray, May Allah grant us ideas, strength and ways in order to serve the Ummah at our best.

Just my 2cents.

JamarlKTMyine said...

Very good reminder, I agreed with this. Anyway, sorry for my late comment since I can browse for internet only weekend. We need to start something for mm community in back home by any means. Recently, one thing came across in my mind is about Danish cartoon. It insults Prophet, Islam and muslim too. Then, what European muslim people are doing is launching of knowing prophet campaign and knowing Islam campaign. It is really efficient move toward non-muslim specially European. Again, we are looking back to our community at back home, we have been upset for many decades. Many people really don’t know about what is Islam all about and who is prophet, and we have been keep calling as “Kelar”. So, we should start something for it. Why not we start to brain storming for launching of knowing Muhammed campaing…in MM..? InshAllah, it will help a lot.

tinkyawoo said...

Be thankful

If you have a bad day at work, be thankful. Appreciate that you have a job. Some people don't.

When you pay your bills, be thankful. You can pay them.

If you see a gray hair, be thankful. Think of the cancer patient in chemotherapy who only wishes for any hair.

When you find yourself waiting in line or the recipient of poor service, be thankful. Think about the people who have no food to eat at all.

When you realize how much work it is to take care of a house, be thankful you have a house. Think about those who only wish they had a house to take care of.

When you feel like complaining because you have to walk a long distance from your car, be thankful. Think of what it would be like not to be able to walk!

If you get irritated by other people's anger, apathy, ignorance, bitterness, or insecurities, be thankful. Things could be worse. You could be one of them!

When you think everything in your world is terrible, and you want to give up, think of the people who have been told they only have a certain amount of time to live. They don't want to give up.
Live life to its fullest. Appreciate life, and be thankfull to ALLAH as u have been given everything by Him

And will provide for him whence he expects not. And he who puts his trust in ALLAH - He is sufficient for him. Verily, ALLAH is to fulfil His work. Undoubtedly, ALLAH has kept a measure for every thing.
Surah At-Talaq :3