Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tips to manage more time

Everybody is wishing that they could have more time. Thinking that 24 hours a day isn't enough. But what we don't know is how to manage the time. How many hours we are wasting every single day for sleeping, surfing, chatting, gossiping, texting or talking on phone? How many hours we actually spend for tasks that we are supposed to? We, including all our fellow students are whining and whining as the exams are getting closer and closer. But how do we manage the time properly to avoid unnecessary stress? Here is a way :

1) Assess your time habits - Start logging your day's activities like how many minutes you spend for sleeping, eating, studying, talking to friends, or surfing.

2) Break free from obligation - List down the stuffs that you shouldn't be doing which are a total waste of time (e.g. updating friendster profile)

3) Use a notebook - Keep a To-Do List. List down all the tasks that you are supposed to do.

4) Plan by task - For each task, plan how much time you are gonna spend and when you are gonna complete them.

5) Eliminate distractions at their root - While doing the tasks, don't let any distractions bother you.

6) Discover the joys of saying "No" - If you don't have enough time, cut down the time you hang around with buddies. Don't be afraid to say "No".

That's all, folks. Cheers!

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