In the name of ALLAH, the Most Gracious, the most Merciful. Praise to be ALLAH for giving us the opportunity to live and continue our duties as vicegerents on earth.
Assalamu’alaikum wrt. wbt.
Dear my players, supporters, brothers and sisters,
“Congratulation to all Players”
Alhamdulilah, with the blessings from Allah, Our Team MS_UIA has won second prize in Rakan Muda Paintball Tournament last Sunday again like last year. Now our team name is more popular than before. I would like to thanks to every players and the supporters even though they have exams and midterm, they still support actively. For my players, you all have done the Best for your position and played well during the tournament even though we didn’t have any experience in it. The main important in this game is Communication between players. Another thing is players are united each other. You all had taken very good responsible to your enemy. Because of that we have won second place and got chance to play in U-League Paintball tournament Grand Final on February 2008 and grand prize will be RM 20,000.00. Without you guys help, we would not be able to Success. Now our team will represent IIUM Paintball team. Again I would like to thanks to everybody.
Again I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all my players who participated and worked hard in the Rakan Muda U-League Paintball Tournament.
Thanks for all of you...
Again prepare for next tournament which will be held in 2008.InshaALLAH, we will try to Get First Prize in U-League in 2008.
Harun Rashid (Team Captain) Hahahaha….
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Thanks to all...
Posted by
12:18 PM
Labels: UIA
Monday, August 27, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Ummatic Week
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11:29 PM
Labels: UIA
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Gossip and backbiting:
Many gatherings produce nothing but gossip about other Muslims and slander of their honour. This is something which Allaah has forbidden His slaves, and has drawn the most repulsive analogy to put them off. He says (interpretation of the meaning): “. . . neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it . . .” [al-Hujuraat 49:12]
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained the meaning of this aayah. He said: “Do you know what gheebah (gossip or backbiting) is?” They said, “Allaah and His Messenger know best.” He said: "To say something about your brother that he does not want to be said." He was asked, "What do you think if what is said about him is true?" He said, "If what you say about him is true, this is backbiting, and if what you say about him is not true, this is a lie." (Reported by Muslim, 4/2001).
Gossip or backbiting means saying something about a Muslim which may be true but which he does not like to hear spoken, whether it be about his physical appearance, his adherence to religion, his worldly affairs, his self, his behaviour or his character. There are many forms of gossip, including talking about a person's faults and imitating him to make fun of him.
People take the matter of gheebah very lightly, although it is very serious in the sight of Allaah, as is indicated by the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): "There are seventy-two forms of riba, the least of which is as bad as a man having intercourse with his own mother, and the worst of which is when a man slanders the honour of his brother." (Silsilah al-Saheeh, 1871).
Whoever is present in a gathering where gossip takes place should "forbid what is evil" and defend his absent brother. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) encouraged us to do this when he said: "Whoever defends the honour of his Muslim brother, Allaah will protect his face from the Fire on the Day of Resurrection." (Reported by Ahmad, 6/450; see also Saheeh al-Jaami', 6238).
Posted by
Usman Ghany
12:37 PM
Labels: Islam
A woman wearing perfume
A woman wearing perfume when going out or passing by non-mahram men
This practice is widespread nowadays, despite the stern warning of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), who said: “Any woman who applies perfume and then goes out among the people so that they could smell her fragrance is a zaaniyah (adulteress).” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad, 4/418; see also Saheeh al-Jaami’, 105). Some women are very careless and take the matter too lightly, especially in front of drivers, shopkeepers, school porters, etc., even though the Sharee’ah states very strictly that the woman who wears perfume must wash herself like a person must wash when in a state of janaanah (i.e., perform ghusl), if she wants to go out to the mosque. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Any woman who wears perfume then goes out to the mosque, so that the fragrance can be discerned, her prayers will not be accepted until she performs ghusl like the ghusl to be performed when in a state of janaabah.” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad, 2/444; see also Saheeh al-Jaami’, 2703).
We complain to Allaah about the bukhoor and ‘ood (types of incense) used at weddings and women’s parties before people leave, and the use of strong-smelling perfumes in market-places, means of transportation and mixed gatherings in the mosques even during the nights of Ramadaan. Islaam tells us that women’s perfume should be that which has colour but little smell. We ask Allaah not to despise us and not to punish righteous men and women for the deeds of foolish men and women. May He guide us all to the Straight Path.
Posted by
Usman Ghany
12:31 PM
Labels: Islam
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Fresher Welcome Program
Partially done! but sorry to know the slide show doesn't work on lab's PC since Adobe flash player is not installed!
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3:21 PM
Labels: UIA