Friday, November 9, 2007

The new wars of religions

In my mind, I think the communism is growing up inside US. I don't know really what is the author but I am sure this is an ideology of communism. The US may lossing the coldwar, so that communist Russia and China are increasinly going to extend their propaganda inside US.

The natual phenomenon is that if there is up, there is aslo down. United State is thinking that she is superior but she left no choice to follow the mensioned ideology of stopping religion for recovering their dignity that they are losing after invade the Iraq and Afgan.

Communism also will be failure and may be up rooted if they try to hit the religionist.

Actually politic is generated on the base of a believe or a trust. Already religionist have a faith to their God and they follow to the instructions after they believe the God. So far, if some one come to hit them against their faith and believe, no soceity will stand against them. Because about eighty percent of the world populations are religionist. How they can able to fight against them and against humanity?

I am sure again the all so-called super power will trun to zero ground soon with their fault ideology. They should respect instead of reject the religions.


Ko Ko Linn

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