Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Sun Outage (Solar Interference)

အခုတေလာ အင္တာနက္ speed ေတြ ေတာ္ေတာ္ေႏွးေနတာ သတိထားမိလား မသိဘူး။ UIA ထဲမွာလဲ “this page cannot be displayed” နဲ့ဘဲ ညားေနတယ္။ ေနာက္ေတာ့မွ ဒီသတင္းကို ဖတ္မိလိုက္တယ္။ နည္းနည္္း ဘာသာျပန္ လိုက္တယ္ေနာ္။ (original news)

Sun Outage လု့ိဘဲဆိုၾကပါစို့။ (ျမန္မာလို ဘာေခၚလဲ မသိ)။ Sun Outage ဆိုတာ ကမာၻရယ္ ေနရယ္ communication satellite ရယ္ တစ္တန္းတည္းက်သြားတဲ့ ျဖစ္စဥ္ကို ေခၚတာပါ။ တစ္ႏွစ္မွာ February, March, September နဲ့ October လေတြမွာ ျဖစ္ေလ့ ရွိပါတယ္။ တစ္ရက္မွာ ၁၅မိနစ္ေလာက္ ၾကာတတ္ျပီးေတာ့ တစ္ခါျဖစ္ရင္ ၁၅ရက္ေလာက္ ျဖစ္တတ္ပါတယ္။ satellite ကေန ကမာၻေပၚကို ပို့တဲ့ rays ေတြက ေနကခံသြားေတာ့ေနရဲ့ အပူရွိန္နဲ့ လွိဳင္းေတြေၾကာင့္ ကမာၻေပၚက receiver ကို perfect မေရာက္လာ ေတာ့ဘူးေပါ့။ ဒီေတာ့ connection speed ေတြ ေႏွးကုန္တယ္တဲ့။
Cable company ေတြဟာ sun outage ေၾကာင့္ ႏွစ္တိုင္းဒုကၡ ေရာက္ၾကရပါတယ္။ ဒီျပသနာကို အခုထိ ဘယ္သူမွ မေျဖရွင္းႏုိင္ၾကေသးဘူးတဲ့။ sun outage နဲ့ ၾကဳံလာရင္ ဘာလုပ္ရမလဲဆိုေတာ့ စိတ္ရွည္ရွည္ထားၾကပါတဲ့။ (သုေသတီ ေတြလည္း ဒီလိုအၾကံေပးရုံဘဲ တတ္ႏိုင္ပါေတာ့တယ္။)

ေအာက္ကပုံေတြကေတာ့ ၂၀၀၇ ခုႏွစ္ KL ကို effect ျဖစ္မယ့္ အခ်ိန္ေတြပါ။ (စိတ္၀င္စားရင္ ဒီမွာ သြားျပီး ေနာက္ ၁၀၀ ႏွစ္စာေလာက္အထိ ၾကိဳတြက္ထားလို့ရပါတယ္။)

~~သတင္းေရးတာ ပုံျပင္ေျပာသလိုျဖစ္သြားတယ္။ ~~


tinkyawoo said...

The Radio-Sun

The Sun was one of the first objects studied by early radio astronomers. It is not as powerful an emitter of radio waves as many other objects, but its close proximity to us makes it appear radio-bright to us here on the third planet. In the year 2000, the Sun is expected to peak in sunspot number and the related solar activity level. That means there should be lots of solar flares on the Sun's surface and the Earth should receive a number of geomagnetic storms as a result.

When there is a solar flare on the Sun's surface, there is often an accompanying burst of radio energy projected into space. You can monitor these bursts with standard short wave and vhf receivers with modest antennas. The receiver should be able to detect AM (amplitude modulated) signals. FM receivers are not good for this purpose.

tinkyawoo said...

sunspot is a region on the Sun's surface (photosphere) that is marked by a lower temperature than its surroundings and intense magnetic activity, which inhibits convection, forming areas of low surface temperature. Although they are blindingly bright at temperatures of roughly 4000-4500 K, the contrast with the surrounding material at 5778 K leaves them clearly visible as dark spots. If they were isolated from the surrounding photosphere they would be brighter than an electric arc. As of 2006, we are near the minimum (predicted for 2007) in the sunspot cycle [1]. Sunspots are often related to intense magnetic activity such as coronal loops and reconnection.

Yae Thi Ha said...

i just read the article...whenever sunoutage occoure..the earth station(including receiver etc...)that get the ling of sight with the satellite used to close to prevent the effect of the frequency from the satellite that combine with the solar frequecy from sum. the frequency at the time of sun outage can burn(destroy) most of the filter, amplifier( transistors.. electrical staff )inside the receiver.